Clarity Gold mobilisiert Crew in das Projekt Empirical
Vancouver, BC – September 13, 2021, Clarity Gold Corp. (Clarity or the Company) (CSE: CLAR, OTC: CLGCF, FSE: 27G) is pleased to announce a crew has been mobilized to carry out an exploration program (the Program) at the Companys Empirical Project located in southern British Columbia.
The Company has mobilized a crew to the Empirical project to conduct additional grassroots exploration work, focusing on historic areas of known alteration and mineralization to satisfy work requirements for claims renewals and the original Option Agreement to earn 100% of the Empirical Project. This years program will be an approximately 10-day field program comprised of mapping, prospecting and channel sampling.
About the Empirical Project
The Companys gold-copper-molybdenum porphyry project, the Empirical Project, is located 12 km south of Lillooet, British Columbia, and covers 10,518 ha. The Empirical Project is situated in the Cordilleran Continental Arc which hosts 26 significant porphyry deposits, including Imperial Metal Corporations historic Huckleberry Mine and Norandas historic Babine Porphyry camp.Between 1981 – 1986, six out of fifteen diamond drill holes intersected gold mineralization, including hole DD81-4 which assayed 3.67 g/t gold over 21 m from 36m. Previous exploration focused on molybdenite without an understanding or aim of targeting a larger porphyry system. For more information on the Empirical Project, please see the Companys National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) Technical Report on the Empirical Project filed on SEDAR on March 24, 2020.
There are multiple copper showings in the Southeast portion of the project, including the Rickhill Showing where six surface rock samples collected in 1959 averaged 0.95% copper over 12.9 meters (Minfile 092INW022). Elevated copper in soil samples indicate that this zone of copper mineralization may be extended up to a total of 30 m (Skerl, 1959). In 1970, 538 soils were collected with copper intensities ranging between 6 ppm to 212 ppm (Assessment report 02530).
Historic work in the Southwest identified two molybdenum showings namely, the Molybdenite Lake and Fyp showings where historic samples taken from quartz veins have assayed up to 0.32% molybdenum and 0.35 g/t gold (Nelson, J. (1985-10-01): B.C. Gold Reconnaissance 1985 – Lillooet Project – Final Report; Assessment Report 30875; Minfile 092ISW109, 092ISW110). Previous work has focused on the areas molybdenum potential, with minimal exploration for gold and only coincidental evaluation of the copper potential.
The QP (as defined below) has not verified the results of the historic exploration and sampling on the new claims added to the Empirical Projects property package, additional sampling will be required to verify the data.
About the Companys Flagship Destiny Project
Clarity Gold also anticipates additional results from their continued exploration efforts on the flagship Destiny Project. The company recently completed a 10,826 m drill campaign, with samples currently being processed by Bureau Veritas and are anticipated shortly.
– Option to acquire 100% ownership.
– Located in the historic, mineral rich Abitibi Greenstone Belt.
– Gold mineralization occurs in high-grade quartz veins within shear zones starting at 15 m below surface.
– Historic Drilling results include:
o 167 g/t Au over 1 m (from 221.7 m)
o 6.15 g/t Au over 23.6 m (from 117.2 m)
o 19.49 g/t Au over 2.7 m (from 166.0 m)
– The Historical Estimate at the DAC Zone is open along strike with only coarse drilling denoting high grade intercepts outside of the 2011 Historical Estimate area showing expansion potential along strike from the DAC Zone over approximately 2.5 km to the Darla Zone.
– Excellent infrastructure – ~75 km NNE of Val dOr with road access.
– Drilling on the property to date exceeds 60,000mThe Destiny Project is located in the prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt where more than 190 million ounces of gold have been produced historically along major structural breaks within the assemblage of Archean-age volcanic, sedimentary and intrusive rocks. The Destiny Project lies along the approximately 400 km long Chicobi Deformation Zone, a major structural break which is largely underexplored in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt.
The 5,013 ha project includes the DAC Zone, one of several gold zones along an approximately 6 km long segment of the Despinassy Shear Zone within the Chicobi Deformation Zone. Approximately 2.5 km east along strike of the DAC Zone is the Darla Zone. In between the Darla and DAC is the coarsely drilled GAP zone where 2012 drilling intercepted anomalous gold in all 12 holes which were spaced 100 m apart.
The current exploration potential is based on decades of past work on the Destiny Project. Exploration of the Destiny Project dates back to the 1930s. The first concerted diamond drilling campaign was conducted in 1998.
Previous work on the property can be summarized as follows:
– 172 Diamond drill holes comprising approximately 50,400 m
– Reconnaissance till sampling from 11 Sonic drill holes
– 2,430 MMI geochemical samples
– 982 line km of airborne VTEM surveys
– 171 line km of ground magnetics surveys
– 128 line km of IPQualified Person
Mr. Rory Kutluoglu P. Geo., a member of the advisory board and a consultant of the Company, is the Qualified Person (QP) under NI 43-101 for the technical information in this news release and has verified the data disclosed for the Destiny Project and approves the technical contents contained in this news release.
About Clarity
Clarity Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of gold projects in Canada. The Company has entered into an option agreement to purchase 100% of the Destiny Project, Claritys flagship asset, a gold-focused project in the mineral rich Abitibi region in Quebec. The Company is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is listed on the CSE under the symbol CLAR. To learn more about Clarity Gold Corp. and its projects please visit www.claritygoldcorp.com.
James Rogers
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 1 (833) 387-7436
Email: info@claritygoldcorp.com
Website: claritygoldcorp.comThe Canadian Securities Exchange (operated by CNSX Markets Inc.) has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this press release.
Verantwortlicher für diese Pressemitteilung:
Clarity Gold Corp.
James Rogers
915 – 1055 West Hastings Street
V6E 2E9 Vancouver, BC
Kanadaemail : info@claritygoldcorp.com
Clarity Gold Corp.
James Rogers
915 – 1055 West Hastings Street
V6E 2E9 Vancouver, BCemail : info@claritygoldcorp.com
Disclaimer: Diese Pressemitteilung wird für den darin namentlich genannten Verantwortlichen gespeichert. Sie gibt seine Meinung und Tatsachenbehauptungen und nicht unbedingt die des Diensteanbieters wieder. Der Anbieter distanziert sich daher ausdrücklich von den fremden Inhalten und macht sich diese nicht zu eigen.
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Clarity Gold mobilisiert Crew in das Projekt Empirical
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